Bruce Musser

Hair Peace

I am very grateful to make my living as a hair designer and salon owner: both of these jobs present challenges that require creativity, discipline and an ever-open mind.

The source for my inspiration to meet these challenges is a short car ride away, at “The Farm.” I grew up there and my family still works about a thousand acres.

The Farm and my family are a deep resource that feeds my soul and keeps me grounded.

When visiting, I take long hikes to favorite spots I have enjoyed my entire life. And I treasure hearing stories and feeling the steady love of my ninety-seven-year-old grandmother.

The colors, textures and scale of the land nurture the artist in me, while my grandparents’ hard work and discipline, of which The Farm is a direct result, motivate my business side.

Being a salon owner for twelve years, and a tree farmer, I’ve learned they do have similarities: Nothing happens overnight, and everything happens one day at a time.

Bruce Musser from Hair Peace

Photo by Laura Evans

Author: Arbus

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