Oct. 23 – Nov. 29
Xi Guo, signature member of the American Watercolor Society (AWS), National Watercolor Society (NWS), and Northwest Watercolor Society (NWWS), was born and grew up in Shanghai, China. She earned her BFA in oil painting from Shanghai Normal University. After completing graduate school at Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) in 2014, majoring in photography, Guo moved to St. Augustine, Florida.
Watercolor became her favorite media to work with when she restarted her career about eight years ago. Guo was captivated by the texture, the indecision and, sometimes, the happy accident it brings.
Her articles and paintings have been featured in International Artist Magazine, Art of Watercolor Magazine, and Watercolor Artists Magazine. Her paintings are included in the book, The Best of Watercolor–Splash 16 and –Splash 20, published by North Light Books.
Since 2015 Guo has won major awards at the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours’s 203rd Open Exhibition, Shenzhen International Watercolor Biennial, and the National Watercolor Society. In 2018, Guo received third place at the Biennial International Prize “Marche d’Acqua” Fabriano Watercolour. Guo was also a top award winner at the National Watercolor Society’s Annual Members Exhibition and won Best in Show at the Florida Watercolor Society’s 48th Exhibition in 2019. Recently, she received the Best Watercolor Award at the 15th International ARC Salon competition.
As an award-winning member of the Jacksonville Watercolor Society, Guo has conducted workshops at the St. Augustine Art Association and teaches private lessons.
Fall Workshop:Oct. 27-29 at the Jacksonville Gem and Mineral Society Building, 3733 Crown Point Rd. Fall Show:Oct. 23-Nov. 29 at Christ Episcopal Church, 400 San Juan Dr., Ponte Vedra; Oct. Meeting Demo: Oct. 26 at the Mandarin Garden Center, 2892 Loretto Rd.