Greenscape of Jacksonville, founded over forty years ago to enrich Jacksonville through planting, protecting and promoting trees, invited internationally known artist Konstantin Demopoulos to add Jacksonville to his list of social/environmental art installations (including Singapore, London and Vancouver). The Blue Trees is a provocative addition to the conversation about deforestation and its global impact. Designed to raise awareness of the importance of a healthy tree canopy, The Blue Trees is a community engagement public art installation. Dimopoulos and volunteers colored tree trunks with biologically-safe pigment, establishing a visual platform. An ephemeral work, the trees will gradually revert to their natural state. Find The Blue Trees in various locations: Late Bloomers Garden Club provided a grant, and members colored trees in the Jacksonville Zoo’s Asian Garden. Wells Fargo sponsored trees at Edward Waters College, and a SPARK grant enabled installations at Hemming Park and the Jacksonville Veterans Arena.